About Our Data

The dataset utilized for analyzing and visualizing dog bite cases in New York City includes information on various factors such as sex, breed, and age. The data, covering the period from 2015 to 2022, were sourced from NYC OpenData. Data is collected from reports received online, mail, fax or by phone to 311 or NYC DOHMH Animal Bite Unit. Each record represents a single dog bite incident.

Another dataset used in this project documents active dog licenses in New York City for a given year. This data is derived from the DOHMH Dog Licensing System, which facilitates the application and renewal of dog licenses. The dataset is also sourced from NYC OpenData.

Data Dictionary

dog_bites = 

dog_licensing = 

The dog bite dataset we utilized has 22663 observations and includes the following variables:

The NYC dog licensing dataset we utilized has 508196 observations and includes the following variables: